Re/genT consultants assist you with their technical know how in research and development projects.
This assistance can be of a practical or theoretical kind considering specific cooling systems, for example related to green innovations, but also related to general energy efficiency and eco design regulation. Re/genT consultants have major experience in R&D projects where cooperation is required with international partners in a technical but also management role. Re/genT is further a member of various refrigeration societies and maintains intensive contacts with several Universities and R&D institutes around the world.
- Consultancy work related to refrigeration system design and optimisation;
- Consultancy work related to energy efficiency projects;
- Consultancy related to Eco-design and Energy Efficiency Requirements;
- Advisory work for APPLiA (formerly CECED) in relation to energy labeling;
- Advisory work / Literature studies for UNEP;
- Advisory work for the Worldbank;
- Participation in international standard development working groups;
- Advisory work with respect to green refrigerants;